Piyoosh P
Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
College of Engineering, Trivandrum
Trivandrum, Kerala-695016.
E-mail: piyooshp@cet.ac.in
Research Interests:
- Real-time and Embedded Systems
- Energy-aware Computing
- Fault-tolerant Computing
- Cloud Computing
- Internet of Things (IoT)
- Ph.D. Computer Science and Engineering (Pursuing – Thesis submitted), Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, 2014 onwards.
Research Advisors: Dr. Arnab Sarkar and Dr. Santosh Biswas
- M.Tech. Computer Science and Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, 2012-2014.
Research Advisors: Dr. Arnab Sarkar and Dr. Santosh Biswas
- B.Tech. Information Technology, University College of Engineering, Trivandrum, University of Kerala, 2006-2010.
- Worked as Teaching Assistant, Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, 2012-2019 (7 years).
- Piyoosh Purushothaman Nair, Arnab Sarkar, Santosh Biswas, “Fault-tolerant Real-time Fair Scheduling on Multiprocessor Systems with Cold-standby”, IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing ( Early Access ), 2019. DOI:10.1109/TDSC.2019.2934098.
- Piyoosh Purushothaman Nair, Santosh Biswas, Arnab Sarkar, ” Design of light weight exact discrete event system diagnosers using measurement limitation: case study of electronic fuel injection system”, International Journal of Systems Science, Taylor and Francis, 49 (8), 1760-1783, 2018.
- Piyoosh Purushothaman Nair, Rajesh Devaraj, Arnab Sarkar, ” FEST: Fault-Tolerant Energy-Aware Scheduling on Two-Core Heterogeneous Platform”, 8th International Symposium on Embedded Computing and System Design, 2018 (IEEE ISED 2018).
- Piyoosh Purushothaman Nair, Rajesh Devaraj, Argha Sen, Arnab Sarkar, Santosh Biswas, ” DES based Modeling and Fault Diagnosis in Safety-critical Semi-Partitioned Real-time Systems”, IFAC World Congress, IFAC-PapersOnLine 50 (1), 5029-5034, 2017.
- Piyoosh Purushothaman Nair, Arnab Sarkar, N.M. Harsha, M. Gandhi, P.P. Chakrabarti, S. Ghose, ” ERfair Scheduler with Processor Suspension for Real-Time Multiprocessor Embedded Systems”, ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems (ACM TODAES), 22 (1), 19, 2016.
- K Chauhan, Piyoosh P, Arnab Sarkar, Santosh Biswas, ” A priori overload handling in ERfair scheduled embedded systems: Hybrid automata approach”, Annual IEEE India Conference (INDICON), 1-6, 2014.
Professional Achievements:
- Research Paper Reviewer for: VLSI Design Conference (VLSID) 2017, 2020 (4 articles); VLSI Design And Test (VDAT) 2016, 2017 (5 articles); IFAC World Congress, 2017 (1 article); IEEE ISED 2018 (1 article); IEEE CoDIT 2019 (2 articles).
- TCS Research Scholar Program (RSP) Scholarship, TATA Consultancy Services (TCS), for the period July, 2015 to June, 2019.
- National Doctoral Fellowship from AICTE, Min. of HRD, Govt. of India, for the period July, 2014 to June, 2019.
- Secured 96.73 percentile in GATE 2011(CS) among 136027 student